A slight change opf plan for 2012 before the end of 2011 !
I was going to do the Marmotte, but i have changed to do the étape du tour acte 1 Albertville to La Toussuire in the Alps... urggghhhh.... it looks scary toi say the least, but i can't wait :)
Riding the route of La Tour is something I've wanted to do since I sat on the saddle 3 years ago. It has always frightened me, but then again i remember when a marathon , even a half, scared me to death :)
Un petit changement au planning de la saison 2012 - à la place de la marmotte, je vais faire, enfin, l'étape du tour Albertville to La Toussiere aux Alpes - ca fait peur, mais j'ai hâte !! J eme rappelle quand l'idée de courir un marathon, même un semi, me faisait trembler !!
So i'm going to be burning away on my turbo this winter, and out searching for any big climb in the region !
Je vais passer mon hiver à user les pneus sur le turbo, si je ne suis pas sur la route à la recherche de toutes les côtes de la région !!
mardi 22 novembre 2011
mercredi 16 novembre 2011
The season is drawing to a close and i'm beginning to think about and plan the 2012 race calendar.
La saison va vers sa conclusion et je commence les préparatifs pour l'année prochaine.
1. The eco-trail Paris - 50km March 24 - preparation for the
2. Half Challenge Barcelona-Maresme Long Distance triathlon on May 27.
3. La Marmotte cycling event across the Alps on July 7 (Col du Glandon (1,924 m), the Col du Galibier (2,642 m ), and Alpe d'Huez (1,880 m ).
4. The Ironman Barcelona-Maresme triathlon on September 30
I will possibly add to these dates, but for now it looks good !!
Je ferai sans doute d'autres courses, mais pour l'instant ça prend forme !!
La saison va vers sa conclusion et je commence les préparatifs pour l'année prochaine.
1. The eco-trail Paris - 50km March 24 - preparation for the
2. Half Challenge Barcelona-Maresme Long Distance triathlon on May 27.
3. La Marmotte cycling event across the Alps on July 7 (Col du Glandon (1,924 m), the Col du Galibier (2,642 m ), and Alpe d'Huez (1,880 m ).
4. The Ironman Barcelona-Maresme triathlon on September 30
I will possibly add to these dates, but for now it looks good !!
Je ferai sans doute d'autres courses, mais pour l'instant ça prend forme !!
vendredi 28 octobre 2011
Semi Marathon
I was forced - by fate - to cancel my trip to Barcelona, so missed out on the triathlon. A family bereavement and Esther not feeling well enough to travel....gave rise to the old expressions : Esta la vida, c'est la vie, that's life... whatever.
Le destin m'a obligé d'annuler le vol vers Barcelona et donc le triathlon. Un décès familiale, et Esther qui ne sentait pas bien, ont fait survenir le vieux adage : Esta la vida, c'est la vie, that's life !
Slightly disheartened I decided, last Saturday, to enter the Bois Guillaume Semi Marathon , a race I did for the last time in 1999 and again in 2000.
C'était donc avec un coeur un peu léger que j'ai décidé de m'inscrire au semi de Bois Guillaume - une course que j'ai fait pour la dernière fois en 1999 et 2000.
To be honest I was not looking forward to running a straight 21km, without the 90k bike and 2k swim which precede it in a Half Iron triathlon. But the fact that this year the event was also the French National Semi Marathon Championship gave it an added edge.
I'm not a fast runner and never have been, my average semi times being around 1h30, the fastest at 1h29 & 1h26, and turning to triathlon in 2008 has only made my running even slower. So to enter a run-only event seemed a bit strange (i haven't done a run event since the Barcelona Marathon in March 2008, and the Templiers Trail race in October 2008).
Pour de vrai je n'avais pas très envie de courir 21km, sans les 90km de vélo, et les 2km de natation d'un tri LD, mais le fait que cette année la course accueilait le championnat de France de semi marathon, la rendait plus intéressant. Je ne cours pas vite, et mes derniers chronos il y a 11 ans flirtaient les 1h30 à chaque fois - les plus rapides à 1h29 et 1h26.... et depuis ma conversion au triathlon, j'ai ralenti encore plus.....Donc, m'inscrire pour une simple course à pieds me donnait un drôle de sensation. Mes derniers ont été mars et octobre 2008 - le marathon, de Barcelone et la grande course des Templiers.
So, i drove the 1.5km to the start line and registered at 16h30 on Saturday afternoon, received my number, chip and t-shirt and went back home. I enjoyed a quiet evening, an early night and a sound sleep before waking at 7h30 for breakfast, attached the chip to my running shoe, watched tv and dozed a little until 9h30 when Esther decided she'd drive me to the 10h start line. It was quite cold (6°c) and i began to think it'd be nicer to stay home and watch the rugby final, but being here, I shouted NOOO to Esther and hopped out of the car, threw my top onto the back seat and smiled, "hasta luego", and joined the other runners heading to the start line.
Donc, j'attendais samedi 16h30 avant d'aller m'inscrire et de chercher mon dossard. J'ai ensuite passé une soirée tranquille, avant de me coucher assez tôt et ayant bien dormi je me suis réveillé à 7h30 pour prendre mon petit déjeuner habituel - café et gâteaux aux céréales. Je me suis reposé à nouveau et puis Esther a décidé, à 9h30, de m'accompagner au départ, prévu pour 10h. Il faisait assez froid (6°c) et je commençais à penser que je serais mieux à la maison à regarder la finale de la coupe du monde (All Blacks - France), mais non!! Pas possible ! Je saute de la voiture, jeté mon sweat dans la voiture et dit "hasta luego" ! Les athlètes couraient dans tous les sens afin de s'échauffer.
There were some serious looking athletes out there, warming up, sprinting here and there, stretching and breathing hard.... this was not like a triathlon !! It was so simple - no bike zone, no stress about getting everything in place...no checking the tires, no puncture worries, shoes in place ? i was starting to appreciate it.
5 minutes to departure - i started, for the first time, to think "how am i going to do this thing?"
I had no answer other than, "just run and see how you feel".
Il y en avait des sérieux - faisant des sprints, des étirements.... ce ne ressemblait pas à un triathlon, ni une course longue distance, où on a tendance de prendre son temps, de savourer le moment, avec la connaissance que la journée a à peine commencé. Ici tour semblait si simple par contre - je n'avais qu'à aller au départ et courir ! Pas de stress de zone de transition, et les questions - tour est en place ? Les pneus gonflés, pas de crevaison, les chaussures....? Je commençais à l'apprécier.
A few pleasant smiles and off we went - about 700 runners in the Championship race, whom I didn't really get to see, as they were further ahead, and another 800 in the Open race. I had forgotten the sound of the collective pitter-patter of feet on the road, and the hushed scrunching noise as we turn onto gravel for a while... the long snaking view ahead as the faster athletes stretch ahead, the multitude of coloured tops....it was cold, but sunny and i was feeling happy to be here !! The swooshing sound of the water and whirring whizzing wheels are truly magnificent in the triathlon, but the sound sensation of 1600 feet beating the road is really something.
Two loops of 10,5km - on road and in the forest, some challenging uphills, but mostly a flat, easy course.
I was breathing well, and feeling good. I kept a steady regular pace throughout - and finished in 1h40, with a positive split - something i rarely do !!
J'échange quelques plaisanteries acec les autres coureurs - je n'ai pas vu trop d'athlètes qui couraient le championnat de France, autour de 700 - ils étaient tout en haut du peloton... - qui participaient dans la course Open (autour de 800). On est parti, d'un coup. J'avais oublié ce son de pas collectif - tellement agréable - et le changement sur le gravât... le tri est tellement différent. Le son de l'eau et des roues sont formidable - mais 800 coureurs sur le bitument est quelque chose que j'avais oublié... je prenais vraiment un grand plaisir.
Deux tours de 10,5km - sur route et en forêt, avec quelques petites montées, mais le parcours est assez plat et sans difficulté. J'ai commencé tranquillement, je respirais bien et j'ai pu garder un rythme assez bien. Et avec un salit positif (2° tour plus rapide), j'étais assez content de finir en 1h40.
All Black !!
km 9,5
km 19
km 19,5
ALl in all this was a positive and extremely pleasant way to spend a sunny autumn Sunday morning.
Esther met me and drove me home in time to see the re-run of the Rugby final, and i'd even managed to avoid knowing the score. Well done All Blacks !! The afternoon then had Manchester City demolish Manchester United 6-1.. so a very good weekend !!
Le destin m'a obligé d'annuler le vol vers Barcelona et donc le triathlon. Un décès familiale, et Esther qui ne sentait pas bien, ont fait survenir le vieux adage : Esta la vida, c'est la vie, that's life !
Slightly disheartened I decided, last Saturday, to enter the Bois Guillaume Semi Marathon , a race I did for the last time in 1999 and again in 2000.
C'était donc avec un coeur un peu léger que j'ai décidé de m'inscrire au semi de Bois Guillaume - une course que j'ai fait pour la dernière fois en 1999 et 2000.
To be honest I was not looking forward to running a straight 21km, without the 90k bike and 2k swim which precede it in a Half Iron triathlon. But the fact that this year the event was also the French National Semi Marathon Championship gave it an added edge.
I'm not a fast runner and never have been, my average semi times being around 1h30, the fastest at 1h29 & 1h26, and turning to triathlon in 2008 has only made my running even slower. So to enter a run-only event seemed a bit strange (i haven't done a run event since the Barcelona Marathon in March 2008, and the Templiers Trail race in October 2008).
Pour de vrai je n'avais pas très envie de courir 21km, sans les 90km de vélo, et les 2km de natation d'un tri LD, mais le fait que cette année la course accueilait le championnat de France de semi marathon, la rendait plus intéressant. Je ne cours pas vite, et mes derniers chronos il y a 11 ans flirtaient les 1h30 à chaque fois - les plus rapides à 1h29 et 1h26.... et depuis ma conversion au triathlon, j'ai ralenti encore plus.....Donc, m'inscrire pour une simple course à pieds me donnait un drôle de sensation. Mes derniers ont été mars et octobre 2008 - le marathon, de Barcelone et la grande course des Templiers.
So, i drove the 1.5km to the start line and registered at 16h30 on Saturday afternoon, received my number, chip and t-shirt and went back home. I enjoyed a quiet evening, an early night and a sound sleep before waking at 7h30 for breakfast, attached the chip to my running shoe, watched tv and dozed a little until 9h30 when Esther decided she'd drive me to the 10h start line. It was quite cold (6°c) and i began to think it'd be nicer to stay home and watch the rugby final, but being here, I shouted NOOO to Esther and hopped out of the car, threw my top onto the back seat and smiled, "hasta luego", and joined the other runners heading to the start line.
Donc, j'attendais samedi 16h30 avant d'aller m'inscrire et de chercher mon dossard. J'ai ensuite passé une soirée tranquille, avant de me coucher assez tôt et ayant bien dormi je me suis réveillé à 7h30 pour prendre mon petit déjeuner habituel - café et gâteaux aux céréales. Je me suis reposé à nouveau et puis Esther a décidé, à 9h30, de m'accompagner au départ, prévu pour 10h. Il faisait assez froid (6°c) et je commençais à penser que je serais mieux à la maison à regarder la finale de la coupe du monde (All Blacks - France), mais non!! Pas possible ! Je saute de la voiture, jeté mon sweat dans la voiture et dit "hasta luego" ! Les athlètes couraient dans tous les sens afin de s'échauffer.
There were some serious looking athletes out there, warming up, sprinting here and there, stretching and breathing hard.... this was not like a triathlon !! It was so simple - no bike zone, no stress about getting everything in place...no checking the tires, no puncture worries, shoes in place ? i was starting to appreciate it.
5 minutes to departure - i started, for the first time, to think "how am i going to do this thing?"
I had no answer other than, "just run and see how you feel".
Il y en avait des sérieux - faisant des sprints, des étirements.... ce ne ressemblait pas à un triathlon, ni une course longue distance, où on a tendance de prendre son temps, de savourer le moment, avec la connaissance que la journée a à peine commencé. Ici tour semblait si simple par contre - je n'avais qu'à aller au départ et courir ! Pas de stress de zone de transition, et les questions - tour est en place ? Les pneus gonflés, pas de crevaison, les chaussures....? Je commençais à l'apprécier.
A few pleasant smiles and off we went - about 700 runners in the Championship race, whom I didn't really get to see, as they were further ahead, and another 800 in the Open race. I had forgotten the sound of the collective pitter-patter of feet on the road, and the hushed scrunching noise as we turn onto gravel for a while... the long snaking view ahead as the faster athletes stretch ahead, the multitude of coloured tops....it was cold, but sunny and i was feeling happy to be here !! The swooshing sound of the water and whirring whizzing wheels are truly magnificent in the triathlon, but the sound sensation of 1600 feet beating the road is really something.
Two loops of 10,5km - on road and in the forest, some challenging uphills, but mostly a flat, easy course.
I was breathing well, and feeling good. I kept a steady regular pace throughout - and finished in 1h40, with a positive split - something i rarely do !!
J'échange quelques plaisanteries acec les autres coureurs - je n'ai pas vu trop d'athlètes qui couraient le championnat de France, autour de 700 - ils étaient tout en haut du peloton... - qui participaient dans la course Open (autour de 800). On est parti, d'un coup. J'avais oublié ce son de pas collectif - tellement agréable - et le changement sur le gravât... le tri est tellement différent. Le son de l'eau et des roues sont formidable - mais 800 coureurs sur le bitument est quelque chose que j'avais oublié... je prenais vraiment un grand plaisir.
Deux tours de 10,5km - sur route et en forêt, avec quelques petites montées, mais le parcours est assez plat et sans difficulté. J'ai commencé tranquillement, je respirais bien et j'ai pu garder un rythme assez bien. Et avec un salit positif (2° tour plus rapide), j'étais assez content de finir en 1h40.
All Black !!
km 9,5
km 19
ALl in all this was a positive and extremely pleasant way to spend a sunny autumn Sunday morning.
Esther met me and drove me home in time to see the re-run of the Rugby final, and i'd even managed to avoid knowing the score. Well done All Blacks !! The afternoon then had Manchester City demolish Manchester United 6-1.. so a very good weekend !!
lundi 19 septembre 2011
ENd of the Summer - fin de l'été
Changes - turn and face the strain.... a long summer coming to an end and time to reflect .
New house, which involved moving two apartments into one house - good news, big stress !
I am now less than a one-minute run into the Forêt Verte, just behind.....
I now have one tooth less than last year - tooth infections have plagued my summer resulting in one tooth being pulled ! aaaaarrggghhh I even lost weight, which, for a 76 kilo wannabe Ironman, is not ideal !
Great holiday on the Costa Brava close to Calella and the Challenge site... a one-hour swim in a sub 16° sea resulted in hypothermia - shivering for 30 minutes is no joke !
The result of all this - a postponed Ironman for 2 October (Barcelona-Maresme), replaced by an Olympic Triathlon on October 16 (Barcelona).
Happy - yes and no. Happy I can still get to Barcelona, not happy that I don't get to do the full Iron distance this year.
So 2012 is already planned - Half Iron in May, Full Iron in October - the two Challenge races on the costa brava - decided and penned into my agenda.
I am also planning an excursion to the Alps on the bike and possibly doing La Marmotte as a preparation for the Ironman, which will mean doing a hell of a lot of preparation for La Marmotte !!!!
So a good year to date, with a better year in sight.... and it's not over yet is it?
Barcelona October 16 :°))
New house, which involved moving two apartments into one house - good news, big stress !
I am now less than a one-minute run into the Forêt Verte, just behind.....
I now have one tooth less than last year - tooth infections have plagued my summer resulting in one tooth being pulled ! aaaaarrggghhh I even lost weight, which, for a 76 kilo wannabe Ironman, is not ideal !
Great holiday on the Costa Brava close to Calella and the Challenge site... a one-hour swim in a sub 16° sea resulted in hypothermia - shivering for 30 minutes is no joke !
The result of all this - a postponed Ironman for 2 October (Barcelona-Maresme), replaced by an Olympic Triathlon on October 16 (Barcelona).
Happy - yes and no. Happy I can still get to Barcelona, not happy that I don't get to do the full Iron distance this year.
So 2012 is already planned - Half Iron in May, Full Iron in October - the two Challenge races on the costa brava - decided and penned into my agenda.
I am also planning an excursion to the Alps on the bike and possibly doing La Marmotte as a preparation for the Ironman, which will mean doing a hell of a lot of preparation for La Marmotte !!!!
So a good year to date, with a better year in sight.... and it's not over yet is it?
Barcelona October 16 :°))
dimanche 17 juillet 2011
Paris Triathlon 2011
A great setting for a great race.... Paris has it all.
Two years ago i did my first triathlon here... we were 800 or so at the start, last year 1800, and this year 3000 in two wave starts... that time (2009) I finished in 2h36, very tired and very happy to have finished; in 2010 i managed to knock 10 mins off, and had a 2h26 time, this year i completed the course in 2h28 - fresh and light, and ready to go on (77 out of 374 of my V2 category)......I know not to compare times to previous years, but to compare sensation and performance. So based on this I am much stronger and fitter than i was. This was also my 7th triathlon in two years - i am still learning how to deal with transitions, with rhythm changes, with trying to swim and cycle better and faster.... and even if my running is suffering as a result, I am determined to continue and improve - and I am still enjoying this sport.
The race : began with a good steady swim - clocking around 26-27 mins (34mins with the LOOOOONG transition to the bike and out onto the bike course) for the 1500m of what was a bumpy ride as i'm constantly being knocked and swam into. I can cope with this now, and just get on without stopping - i kick harder and let the others move out of the way....
The race : began with a good steady swim - clocking around 26-27 mins (34mins with the LOOOOONG transition to the bike and out onto the bike course) for the 1500m of what was a bumpy ride as i'm constantly being knocked and swam into. I can cope with this now, and just get on without stopping - i kick harder and let the others move out of the way....
The cycling was excellent - although the permitted drafting allows for a fast time, i seemed to spend long periods alone, trying to tie the bar tape that had come loose, into a knot so it wouldn't catch in the wheel. Only at the end, the fnal 10km along the Seine, did i catch up with a group and speed back to the Tower. Great feeling being part of a 40 cyclist peloton - so 1h07 for the course and the transition, as long as the T1, not bad!
The 10km run around the Eiffel Tower was not too bad, with a just sub-45min time, though i am finding it more and more difficult to get into any kind of rhythm coming off the bike...it wasn't until km7 that i actually felt like i was running... i suffer from seasonal asthma and find it difficult to breathe, and this seems to be getting worse - certainly my past two triathlons have been affected by this. I do use ventolin, but this was in my bag so not much use !
All in all an enjoyable day out !
Une grande scène pour une grande course ! À Paris, il y a tout !
Il y a deux ans j'ai participé à mon premier triathlon - on était 800 dans la Seine, 1800 l'année dernière, et 3000 cette année - et j'ai fini en 2h36, très fatigué et simplement très contente d'avoir survécu le tourbillon dans la Seine. Cette année j'ai terminé en 2h28, (77 sur 374 de ma V2 catégorie) sans être fatigué et prêt à continuer... je sais qu'on ne peut pas comparer deux courses, mais je sais que je suis beaucoup plus fort qu'il y a deux ans...
La course de dimanche était ma 7ème triathlon en deux ans, et je continue à apprendre à gérer les transitions, les changements de rythme, à améliorer ma performance en vélo et en natation... et même si la qualité de ma course à pieds en souffre, je vais continuer à apprendre, à améliorer, et à m'amuser.
La course était bien - la natation a été bonne, avec un chrono autour de 26-7 mins pour les 1500m (on a annoncé 1600m en fait), ce qui fait 34 mins avec la très longue transition (à courir plus de 1 km afin de trouver le vélo, et re-sortir du parc). J'étais dans la première vague de départ avec les licenciés, qui ont de l'expérience, et j'ai pris beaucoup de coups, tout le long du parcours - donc plus difficile qu'avant... mais je me battais bien, et me suis bien défendu... je commence à connaitre la chanson de la machine à laver dans la Seine !
Le vélo - très satisfaisant pour moi - un peu plus rapide que les années précédentes (1h07 pour les 40km et la transition, aussi longue que la T1, donc pas mal !), et même avec le drafting permis, et en me trouvant souvent seul, j'ai vraiment aimé le parcours, et avec encore 10 km à parcourir, la tour eiffel en vue, j'ai eu le plaisir de rouler dans un peloton d'une quarantaine de coureurs - très agréable, et très rapide!
Les 10km autour de la tour Eiffel étaient moins agréables - du fait que je trouvais pas de rythme, et du au fait que je souffre de l'asthme en été (avec le pollen et la chaleur-, et que j'avais laissé mon ventolin dans mon sac!! Il me fallait arriver au km 7 avant d'avoir un peu de vitesse, et de rythme, et d'avoir l'impression que je courais pour du vrai..
Conclusion : une journée très agréable !!
The 10km run around the Eiffel Tower was not too bad, with a just sub-45min time, though i am finding it more and more difficult to get into any kind of rhythm coming off the bike...it wasn't until km7 that i actually felt like i was running... i suffer from seasonal asthma and find it difficult to breathe, and this seems to be getting worse - certainly my past two triathlons have been affected by this. I do use ventolin, but this was in my bag so not much use !
All in all an enjoyable day out !
Une grande scène pour une grande course ! À Paris, il y a tout !
Il y a deux ans j'ai participé à mon premier triathlon - on était 800 dans la Seine, 1800 l'année dernière, et 3000 cette année - et j'ai fini en 2h36, très fatigué et simplement très contente d'avoir survécu le tourbillon dans la Seine. Cette année j'ai terminé en 2h28, (77 sur 374 de ma V2 catégorie) sans être fatigué et prêt à continuer... je sais qu'on ne peut pas comparer deux courses, mais je sais que je suis beaucoup plus fort qu'il y a deux ans...
La course de dimanche était ma 7ème triathlon en deux ans, et je continue à apprendre à gérer les transitions, les changements de rythme, à améliorer ma performance en vélo et en natation... et même si la qualité de ma course à pieds en souffre, je vais continuer à apprendre, à améliorer, et à m'amuser.
La course était bien - la natation a été bonne, avec un chrono autour de 26-7 mins pour les 1500m (on a annoncé 1600m en fait), ce qui fait 34 mins avec la très longue transition (à courir plus de 1 km afin de trouver le vélo, et re-sortir du parc). J'étais dans la première vague de départ avec les licenciés, qui ont de l'expérience, et j'ai pris beaucoup de coups, tout le long du parcours - donc plus difficile qu'avant... mais je me battais bien, et me suis bien défendu... je commence à connaitre la chanson de la machine à laver dans la Seine !
Le vélo - très satisfaisant pour moi - un peu plus rapide que les années précédentes (1h07 pour les 40km et la transition, aussi longue que la T1, donc pas mal !), et même avec le drafting permis, et en me trouvant souvent seul, j'ai vraiment aimé le parcours, et avec encore 10 km à parcourir, la tour eiffel en vue, j'ai eu le plaisir de rouler dans un peloton d'une quarantaine de coureurs - très agréable, et très rapide!
Les 10km autour de la tour Eiffel étaient moins agréables - du fait que je trouvais pas de rythme, et du au fait que je souffre de l'asthme en été (avec le pollen et la chaleur-, et que j'avais laissé mon ventolin dans mon sac!! Il me fallait arriver au km 7 avant d'avoir un peu de vitesse, et de rythme, et d'avoir l'impression que je courais pour du vrai..
Conclusion : une journée très agréable !!
vendredi 8 juillet 2011
Paris Triathlon 2011
This Sunday I will take part in my third pAris Triathlon - yes, the attraction of swimming in the Seine, cycling around the Bois de Boulogne and along the banks of the river, running around the Eiffel Tower and up to the Trocadero were just too much to resist !
However, this year I will also be running to raise money for the Running For Pearl charity organisation which seeks to raise awareness for autism. So if you would like to help then PLEASE pass on the message and connect and donate to the site, read and share the story....
Dimanche je participe à mon 3ème Triathlon de pAris - oui, l'idée de replonger dans la seine, de pédaler autour du Bois de Boulogne et le long les rives du fleuve, et de courir autour de la tour Eiffel et monter jusqu'à Trocadéro, a été trop tentant !
Mais, cette année je cours aussi pour récolter des fonds pour l'association Running For Pearl, dont le but est d'attirer l'attention sur l'autisme. Donc si vous voudriez aider, veuillez faire passer le message, connecter au site, faire un don, lire et faire partager l'histoire
However, this year I will also be running to raise money for the Running For Pearl charity organisation which seeks to raise awareness for autism. So if you would like to help then PLEASE pass on the message and connect and donate to the site, read and share the story....
Dimanche je participe à mon 3ème Triathlon de pAris - oui, l'idée de replonger dans la seine, de pédaler autour du Bois de Boulogne et le long les rives du fleuve, et de courir autour de la tour Eiffel et monter jusqu'à Trocadéro, a été trop tentant !
Mais, cette année je cours aussi pour récolter des fonds pour l'association Running For Pearl, dont le but est d'attirer l'attention sur l'autisme. Donc si vous voudriez aider, veuillez faire passer le message, connecter au site, faire un don, lire et faire partager l'histoire
mercredi 15 juin 2011
Half Challenge Barcelona-Maresme 2011
Two weeks after my second Long Distance Triathlon and
my thoughts continue to focus on the time - 2 minutes slower than last year, yet last year's winner, the excellent Sylvain Sudrie won again with a time that was 12 minutes slower - 3h47 against 3h35 in 2010). SO i should be satisfied - but somehow I'm not ! Bizarre.
The race went something like:
Swim : I had been really anxious all week about this - why? Probably because last year in this race I panicked after 200m and thought I couldn't go on (of course, i did), plus in the Olympic swim in Barcelona, the swim was so uncomfortable due to the sheer number of starters (500).
Anyway, I was on the beach early enough to take a brief warm up swim and to watch the pros and elite starters, before lining up right in the middle of the front line, with the butterflies still fluttering. My strategy - just get out there and head straight to the buoy at 200m. We were off - the sea was perfect and relatively calm. The inevitable washing machine kicked in and my hope that others would span out as we set out was not materialising. I just thought "kick, kick, breathe, kick, concentrate, everyone is feeling the same thing" - i swam onto someone's back, he stopped and turned almost, i veered left and sped past... kicking harder. Soon the first buoy and a right turn - no problems, but this is where i panicked last year - not this time, my breathing, not yet perfect, was fine, and i was soon in my rhythm.... i looked up to get the direction, the marker buoys should be on my left, yes... straight line, kick, breathe... this was it!! I now knew i'd get through the swim and would soon be back on dry land !! I wanted to smile, something i do when i swim because i love this feeling, the waves, the flow of the water over the wetsuit, the taste of the salt, the sun above.. but the smile didn't come; i was concentrating too much on getting around, i think - not giving myself time to enjoy the moment - and this is what i missed generally throughout the race !
Soon we were at the second turn, left this time, and out another 150m, left again - no problems. Looking across to my right and left i now felt the satisfaction of the moment and where i was and what i was doing ! Other swimmers were far off to my right, i checked ahead - i had veered left and was on the wrong side of the buoys - back right.... remembering to concentrate on keeping a straight line. I started to pass the buoys just on my left at about a metre away, swimming freely and surprised to be so alone ! Great. Then the final turn left and the 300m straight to the beach. I could see the blue carpet marking the arrival - it looked really small ! Here the swimmers bunched more and turning was more difficult, but I avoided any knocks... then it was straight back, full ahead ! And who was that shouting me - "Marti! Marti!" Esther - we smiled - this was it! The smile was back !
Onto the bike - quick transition - a strange feeling of relief to have made it...i really was anxious at the start....
Onto the bike - i mounted too soon and was ordereed to descend, walk over the line and start again! Then it was off - water and energy drink - through the town of Calella and onto the N11 to Mataro. Four loops of about 22,5 kms - the first and third were into quite a head wind coming in off the sea on the left; the second and fourth, coming back were much easier. This is Barcelona - windy city ! Every race i've done here - marathon or triathlon have been windy, and gusty.... never rainy !
I got down on the aerobars and barely changed position. I got into a really good rythmn and felt strong, especially for laps 2 and 4. Last time out here i remember being fed up at km70 and wanting to just get to the end. But today I was really enjoying actually passing quite a lot of cyclists. It was getting hot though, and most of the water picked up from the aid station was actually going onto my head !
Up the final hill St Pol de Mar, the Calella lighthouse in sight and it's down into the town and back towards transition - a flying finish. 2h46. Quick check of the watch - as the swim (37mins) - the same time as last year ! All i needed to do was run faster and i'd beat my time!!
Easy !! Yeah - easy to say. The first km of the run simply showed me how hot it was getting. Obviously on the bike the wind and breeze keeps you cool, but the run...it was sweltering - the temperature had risen to over 30°c and i was feeling it. I just thought, take it easy for the first 5km to the turn round point in Santa Susanna, then try and pick it up - nice idea, but in reality it was just too hot and my legs were like lead. Breathing was getting difficult. Luckily the water at the aid station was cold, i drank and poured the bottle over my head, down my front and back.... i felt better, but couldn't run any faster. I was passing quite a few who were now running and walking - nursing cramps, and limping. The heat was taking its toll. I just kept on going though.... my feet were hurting from being soaked from the water i'd poured on myself - blisters maybe? 2km to go. I was starting to get pains in the chest, the effort of breathing was actually painful. I repeated my mantra - "pain is inevitable, suffering is optional"...over and over... i just keep going... and i find myself running along the beach and into the transition park. This is it. The end. 2H02 for the run. I am tired at the end - no feeling of satisfaction and two minutes slower than last year (my run last year was 2h with a sore achilles tendon). BUT in such heat !!
Come on Martin, give yourself a bit of credit...
The only disappointment i really have is that i did not feel GOOD, like i did NOT enjoy the race - even two weeks later. I hope the novelty isn't wearing off ! But NO - the swim was good, the bike i really did enjoy - head down on the bars...and the run was just too hot. Maybe I need a new challenge. The full iron distance should provide this !! Or maybe i just shouldn't be comparing two races ! I was told the bike route was slightly longer this year, which would make me actually faster, and explain the slower times for the elite athletes. I met a younger runner at the airport who said he had the same problem for the run, and only managed 1h52 - the heat being just too intense... so maybe i should be happy ! Check. Yes, I am... and now for PAris in July and runningforpearl :°) - more on this later.
my thoughts continue to focus on the time - 2 minutes slower than last year, yet last year's winner, the excellent Sylvain Sudrie won again with a time that was 12 minutes slower - 3h47 against 3h35 in 2010). SO i should be satisfied - but somehow I'm not ! Bizarre.
The race went something like:
Swim : I had been really anxious all week about this - why? Probably because last year in this race I panicked after 200m and thought I couldn't go on (of course, i did), plus in the Olympic swim in Barcelona, the swim was so uncomfortable due to the sheer number of starters (500).
Anyway, I was on the beach early enough to take a brief warm up swim and to watch the pros and elite starters, before lining up right in the middle of the front line, with the butterflies still fluttering. My strategy - just get out there and head straight to the buoy at 200m. We were off - the sea was perfect and relatively calm. The inevitable washing machine kicked in and my hope that others would span out as we set out was not materialising. I just thought "kick, kick, breathe, kick, concentrate, everyone is feeling the same thing" - i swam onto someone's back, he stopped and turned almost, i veered left and sped past... kicking harder. Soon the first buoy and a right turn - no problems, but this is where i panicked last year - not this time, my breathing, not yet perfect, was fine, and i was soon in my rhythm.... i looked up to get the direction, the marker buoys should be on my left, yes... straight line, kick, breathe... this was it!! I now knew i'd get through the swim and would soon be back on dry land !! I wanted to smile, something i do when i swim because i love this feeling, the waves, the flow of the water over the wetsuit, the taste of the salt, the sun above.. but the smile didn't come; i was concentrating too much on getting around, i think - not giving myself time to enjoy the moment - and this is what i missed generally throughout the race !
Soon we were at the second turn, left this time, and out another 150m, left again - no problems. Looking across to my right and left i now felt the satisfaction of the moment and where i was and what i was doing ! Other swimmers were far off to my right, i checked ahead - i had veered left and was on the wrong side of the buoys - back right.... remembering to concentrate on keeping a straight line. I started to pass the buoys just on my left at about a metre away, swimming freely and surprised to be so alone ! Great. Then the final turn left and the 300m straight to the beach. I could see the blue carpet marking the arrival - it looked really small ! Here the swimmers bunched more and turning was more difficult, but I avoided any knocks... then it was straight back, full ahead ! And who was that shouting me - "Marti! Marti!" Esther - we smiled - this was it! The smile was back !
Onto the bike - quick transition - a strange feeling of relief to have made it...i really was anxious at the start....

I got down on the aerobars and barely changed position. I got into a really good rythmn and felt strong, especially for laps 2 and 4. Last time out here i remember being fed up at km70 and wanting to just get to the end. But today I was really enjoying actually passing quite a lot of cyclists. It was getting hot though, and most of the water picked up from the aid station was actually going onto my head !
Up the final hill St Pol de Mar, the Calella lighthouse in sight and it's down into the town and back towards transition - a flying finish. 2h46. Quick check of the watch - as the swim (37mins) - the same time as last year ! All i needed to do was run faster and i'd beat my time!!

Come on Martin, give yourself a bit of credit...
The only disappointment i really have is that i did not feel GOOD, like i did NOT enjoy the race - even two weeks later. I hope the novelty isn't wearing off ! But NO - the swim was good, the bike i really did enjoy - head down on the bars...and the run was just too hot. Maybe I need a new challenge. The full iron distance should provide this !! Or maybe i just shouldn't be comparing two races ! I was told the bike route was slightly longer this year, which would make me actually faster, and explain the slower times for the elite athletes. I met a younger runner at the airport who said he had the same problem for the run, and only managed 1h52 - the heat being just too intense... so maybe i should be happy ! Check. Yes, I am... and now for PAris in July and runningforpearl :°) - more on this later.

mercredi 20 avril 2011
Presenting Rule 5 - je vous présent règle n° 5
The toughest sport by a mile !
I just had my first cycling weekend - meeting up with a group of real cyclists (my younger brother and his friends..). Why do I say real? Well, having been left clinging onto the final rear wheel of the group, and watching it wheel away...and not being able to find the strength to keep up... i think i understood what cycling is all about. This was my first outing in a group, and it nearly killed me !
Once the group had slowed down and heard my feeble excuses, "try as i might, i couldn't keep up....you're just going too fast..", i heard the only valid cycling response : "rule 5".
Thanks Mike, Pete, Adrian, Jon, Phil !!
What is rule 5 ? I'll let you see : RULE 5
Basically this means, stop whinging and complaining and try harder...how? by getting off your arse, getting out and training more !!
So back home after the cobbles, i have applied this rule to myself :
3km swim followed by a one-hour run. The run hurts a bit after about 30 minutes and a big hill climb :
"RULE 5, rule 5...."
65km ride, 45 minute run (the first of the season for me) - and the back is hurting : "RULE 5, rule 5"
85km ride yesterday up the hills, including the Côte Jacques Anquetil (pics below), and in respect i say to myself : "Rule 5.."
43km ride and a 55 minute run, with the back beginning to hurt : "Rule 5, Rule 5..."
Yes, it works !! I'm here writing the blog and feeling strong ! Comparing my training to last year, i am 10 times better in terms of quantity and quality, which means i can't wait for the Half Challenge in Barcelona in 5 weeks.

Anyway, back to the Cycling weekend which was in Belgium for the classic Tour de Flanders - what a sight to see the REAL pros pushing hard up the cobbles of Belgium on the Tour de Flandres. I even got the chance to climb the famous Koppenburg - albeit very slowly, and not in a straight line ! It's said that the cobbles weren't laid, but dropped from a helicopter - how true. I've never been so grateful for a carbon frame!
Le cyclisme - le sport le plus dur, de loin!
Je viens de passer mon premier weekend 'cyclisme' - avec un groupe de vrai cyclistes (mon frère et ses copains...). Pourquoi "vrai cyclistes"? Eh bien, le fait que j'ai eu beaucoup de mal à rester collé à la dernière roue, et puis de la voir s'éloigner devant moi...sans avoir la capacité de la rattraper. Bref, j'ai découvert ce que c'est le cyclisme. C'était la première fois que je cours en groupe (hors triathlon), et j'ai failli mourir ! Une fois que le groupe ralentisse et j'arrive à le rejoindre, avec mes faibles
excuses, j'entends la réponse suivante : "Règle 5..".
Merci à Mike, Pete, Adrian, Jon, Phil !!
Qu'est ce que c'est la règle 5 ? Règle 5
En gros ca veut dire,"tais-toi, arrête de te plaindre, et sois plus dur, putain - il suffit de te lever le cul et de sortir et de t'entrainer plus, voilà c'est tout!"
De retour des pavés belges, j'ai suivi cette règle à la lettre et pendant la semaine j'ai fait :
3km dans l'eau, suivi de 12km à pied, mal au dos àprès 30 mins et une côte, "règle 5, règle 5"; 65km vélo suivi de 45mins à pied, la première de la saison, et c'est dur, "Règle 5, règle 5"; 85km sur les montées, et de retour via la côte Jacques Anquetil, en hommage au grand champion "REGLE 5!!!"; 45km vélo, et 55mins à pied - mieux, mais quand même "Règle 5, règle 5".
Et là j'écris ce blog, et je me sens plus fort - je compare mes entrainements à ceux d'il y a un an, et ça va 10 fois mieux.
J'attends Le Half Challenge à Barcelone avec impatience.
In December i took some snowy, winter pictures, last week i took some sunny, spring pictures.
Beautiful how the forest changes - and again - this is why i run (even with the asthma the pollen gives me !!).
Au mois de décembre j'ai pris quelques photos dans la neige, la semaine dernière j'ai pris les mêmes endroits sous le soleil. C'est beau de voir ces changements - et encore, une fois, je sais pourquoi je cours (même avec l'asthme causé par le pollen!!!).
Enjoy your training, and remember the golden rule :0))
I just had my first cycling weekend - meeting up with a group of real cyclists (my younger brother and his friends..). Why do I say real? Well, having been left clinging onto the final rear wheel of the group, and watching it wheel away...and not being able to find the strength to keep up... i think i understood what cycling is all about. This was my first outing in a group, and it nearly killed me !
Once the group had slowed down and heard my feeble excuses, "try as i might, i couldn't keep up....you're just going too fast..", i heard the only valid cycling response : "rule 5".
Thanks Mike, Pete, Adrian, Jon, Phil !!
What is rule 5 ? I'll let you see : RULE 5
Basically this means, stop whinging and complaining and try harder...how? by getting off your arse, getting out and training more !!
So back home after the cobbles, i have applied this rule to myself :
3km swim followed by a one-hour run. The run hurts a bit after about 30 minutes and a big hill climb :
"RULE 5, rule 5...."
65km ride, 45 minute run (the first of the season for me) - and the back is hurting : "RULE 5, rule 5"
85km ride yesterday up the hills, including the Côte Jacques Anquetil (pics below), and in respect i say to myself : "Rule 5.."
43km ride and a 55 minute run, with the back beginning to hurt : "Rule 5, Rule 5..."
Yes, it works !! I'm here writing the blog and feeling strong ! Comparing my training to last year, i am 10 times better in terms of quantity and quality, which means i can't wait for the Half Challenge in Barcelona in 5 weeks.

Anyway, back to the Cycling weekend which was in Belgium for the classic Tour de Flanders - what a sight to see the REAL pros pushing hard up the cobbles of Belgium on the Tour de Flandres. I even got the chance to climb the famous Koppenburg - albeit very slowly, and not in a straight line ! It's said that the cobbles weren't laid, but dropped from a helicopter - how true. I've never been so grateful for a carbon frame!
Le cyclisme - le sport le plus dur, de loin!
Je viens de passer mon premier weekend 'cyclisme' - avec un groupe de vrai cyclistes (mon frère et ses copains...). Pourquoi "vrai cyclistes"? Eh bien, le fait que j'ai eu beaucoup de mal à rester collé à la dernière roue, et puis de la voir s'éloigner devant moi...sans avoir la capacité de la rattraper. Bref, j'ai découvert ce que c'est le cyclisme. C'était la première fois que je cours en groupe (hors triathlon), et j'ai failli mourir ! Une fois que le groupe ralentisse et j'arrive à le rejoindre, avec mes faibles
excuses, j'entends la réponse suivante : "Règle 5..".
Merci à Mike, Pete, Adrian, Jon, Phil !!
Qu'est ce que c'est la règle 5 ? Règle 5
En gros ca veut dire,"tais-toi, arrête de te plaindre, et sois plus dur, putain - il suffit de te lever le cul et de sortir et de t'entrainer plus, voilà c'est tout!"
De retour des pavés belges, j'ai suivi cette règle à la lettre et pendant la semaine j'ai fait :
3km dans l'eau, suivi de 12km à pied, mal au dos àprès 30 mins et une côte, "règle 5, règle 5"; 65km vélo suivi de 45mins à pied, la première de la saison, et c'est dur, "Règle 5, règle 5"; 85km sur les montées, et de retour via la côte Jacques Anquetil, en hommage au grand champion "REGLE 5!!!"; 45km vélo, et 55mins à pied - mieux, mais quand même "Règle 5, règle 5".
la cote Jacques Anquetil!
J'attends Le Half Challenge à Barcelone avec impatience.
En Belgique on a eu l'occasion de voir les vrais pros montent les côtes du Tour de Flandres - quelle épreuve, et quel spectacle ! J'ai même grimpé le fameux Koppenberg, avec difficulté !! On a dit qu'on n'a pas placé les pavés, mais qu'on les a laissé tomber d'un hélicopter!! Merci au cadre carbon!
Au mois de décembre j'ai pris quelques photos dans la neige, la semaine dernière j'ai pris les mêmes endroits sous le soleil. C'est beau de voir ces changements - et encore, une fois, je sais pourquoi je cours (même avec l'asthme causé par le pollen!!!).
dimanche 27 mars 2011
Spring ! Le Printemps
Sunshine and warm weather is back !!
Le soleil et le beau temps sont de retour !!
I thought i'd follow in the example of bloggers like Charisa and post some pics of my training ride - i had the iphone, and managed to take this one small snap of the Green Forest near where i live... it's a route with a nice and easy 7% climb, and on a beautiful spring afternoon in Normandy - it normally isn't this nice so early on - it was worth catching.
Je pensais suivre l'exemple d'autres comme Charisa et prendre quelques photos de mon entrainement - j'avais l'iphone, et ai pu prendre cette prose de la forêt verte, à côté de chez moi.... c'est une route avec des belles petites montées de 7%, et là il faisait tellement beau pour un après midi de mars, que il fallait le faire...
My training is going very well despite the back problems - and a scan has revealed a slight disbalance in my back bone structure, which hasn't helped matters. But, i've managed to complete 8 Fridays on the run, a one-hour swim followed by a one-hour run - and i feel really, really good. Lots of shorter sessions, more regularly have replaced longer, less frequent sessions, and this is crucial and a great way to improve, for me at least !
L'entrainement va très bien, malgré mes problèmes de dos - une IRM a révélé un déséquilibre dans les structures de mon ossature (très compliqué!), ce qui contribue à mes problèmes. Mais - a fait 8 vendredis de suite que j'ai pu faire une heure de natation suivi d'une heure de course à pieds...et ca va vraiment bien. Je fais beaucoup de petites sorties, souvent, plutôt que des longues séances moins souvent - et je ressens bien les bénéfices !
Have a great tri weekend
Passer un bon tri weekend
Le soleil et le beau temps sont de retour !!
I thought i'd follow in the example of bloggers like Charisa and post some pics of my training ride - i had the iphone, and managed to take this one small snap of the Green Forest near where i live... it's a route with a nice and easy 7% climb, and on a beautiful spring afternoon in Normandy - it normally isn't this nice so early on - it was worth catching.
Je pensais suivre l'exemple d'autres comme Charisa et prendre quelques photos de mon entrainement - j'avais l'iphone, et ai pu prendre cette prose de la forêt verte, à côté de chez moi.... c'est une route avec des belles petites montées de 7%, et là il faisait tellement beau pour un après midi de mars, que il fallait le faire...
My training is going very well despite the back problems - and a scan has revealed a slight disbalance in my back bone structure, which hasn't helped matters. But, i've managed to complete 8 Fridays on the run, a one-hour swim followed by a one-hour run - and i feel really, really good. Lots of shorter sessions, more regularly have replaced longer, less frequent sessions, and this is crucial and a great way to improve, for me at least !
L'entrainement va très bien, malgré mes problèmes de dos - une IRM a révélé un déséquilibre dans les structures de mon ossature (très compliqué!), ce qui contribue à mes problèmes. Mais - a fait 8 vendredis de suite que j'ai pu faire une heure de natation suivi d'une heure de course à pieds...et ca va vraiment bien. Je fais beaucoup de petites sorties, souvent, plutôt que des longues séances moins souvent - et je ressens bien les bénéfices !
Have a great tri weekend
Passer un bon tri weekend
samedi 26 février 2011
2011 begins... commence 2011
How has it begun so far ? Achilles tendon pain, severe lower back pain, flu....and it's not quite March yet!
It's not all bad though - i have kept on training and feel in great form. I've managed to complete several 3Km swims followed by a 1 hour run, (a personal measure of how i feel - and i feel great). The weather hasn't helped cycling, but turbo training has started to show its benefits.... I did a 50km ride in January and the same early this week - with a good increase in speed and, more noticeably in rpm.. from an average of 65 to 69, over a very hilly route.
Although my back has caused me problems I have used KT Tape, and the pain during running is reduced and I can run comfortably...
The plan for the year is starting to look like this :
Le calendrier commence à ressembler à ceci :
May 29 - Half-Challenge Barcelona-Maresme
July 10 - Paris Triathlon (Olympic distance)
Oct 2 - Challenge Barcelona -Maresme - full Iron distance (my first) - although i haven't registered for this yet - anxiety?
Comment démarre cette année? douleur au tendon d'achille, très mal au dos, la grippe.. et on n'ets même pas au mois de mars encore !!
Tout ne va pas si mal, cependant ! je continue à m'entrainer and je me sens en pleine forme. J'ai réussi à faire plusieurs séances natation-càp (3KM+1hr) - ce qui me donne une bonne idée de mon niveau actuel, et franchement, ca va bien! La météo ne favorise pas les sorties en vélo, mais le séances home-trainer commencent à porter ses fruits - j'ai fait une sortie très vallonée de 50km au mois de janvier, et la même chose cette semaine - je vois des progrès au niveau de vitesse, et surtout de cadence - de 65 à 69 (mésuré avec précision grace à mon Garmin :°) ).
Même si j'ai eu très mal au dos, j'ai utilisé KT Tape ca m'a vraiment aidé - la douleur est réduite, et j'arrive à courir assez confortablement. C'est assez incroyable ce produit !!
Have a good run, cycle, swim this weekend !!
It's not all bad though - i have kept on training and feel in great form. I've managed to complete several 3Km swims followed by a 1 hour run, (a personal measure of how i feel - and i feel great). The weather hasn't helped cycling, but turbo training has started to show its benefits.... I did a 50km ride in January and the same early this week - with a good increase in speed and, more noticeably in rpm.. from an average of 65 to 69, over a very hilly route.
Although my back has caused me problems I have used KT Tape, and the pain during running is reduced and I can run comfortably...
The plan for the year is starting to look like this :
Le calendrier commence à ressembler à ceci :
May 29 - Half-Challenge Barcelona-Maresme
July 10 - Paris Triathlon (Olympic distance)
Oct 2 - Challenge Barcelona -Maresme - full Iron distance (my first) - although i haven't registered for this yet - anxiety?
Comment démarre cette année? douleur au tendon d'achille, très mal au dos, la grippe.. et on n'ets même pas au mois de mars encore !!
Tout ne va pas si mal, cependant ! je continue à m'entrainer and je me sens en pleine forme. J'ai réussi à faire plusieurs séances natation-càp (3KM+1hr) - ce qui me donne une bonne idée de mon niveau actuel, et franchement, ca va bien! La météo ne favorise pas les sorties en vélo, mais le séances home-trainer commencent à porter ses fruits - j'ai fait une sortie très vallonée de 50km au mois de janvier, et la même chose cette semaine - je vois des progrès au niveau de vitesse, et surtout de cadence - de 65 à 69 (mésuré avec précision grace à mon Garmin :°) ).
Même si j'ai eu très mal au dos, j'ai utilisé KT Tape ca m'a vraiment aidé - la douleur est réduite, et j'arrive à courir assez confortablement. C'est assez incroyable ce produit !!
Have a good run, cycle, swim this weekend !!
mardi 1 février 2011
La Grippe ! Flu !!
Last week i went to work with a cough, and came home with the flu !
So 16 days with a strained rib cartelige, 12 days of coughing and 8 days of flu later, i finally headed out for a 45 minute jog this morning.
It was freezing cold (-3°c), and i had some difficulty breathing, a bit of pain in the rib area, but i was happy to be back in my running shoes at last !! Now begin 4 months training for the Barcelona Half Challenge May 29 !
La semaine dernière je suis allé au travail avec un toux, et je suis revenu avec la grippe !
Donc, 16 jours avec une douleur costale, 12 jours de toux, 8 jours de grippe plus tard, enfin je suis sorti faire un footing léger de 45 minutes ce matin.
Il faisait -3°c, et j'ai eu du mal à respirer, un peu de douleur aux cotes, mais j'étais heureux de retrouver mes Asics Gel, au début de 4 mois de préparation pour le Barcelona Half Challenge mai 29.
I hate being ill !! Je hais être malade !!
So 16 days with a strained rib cartelige, 12 days of coughing and 8 days of flu later, i finally headed out for a 45 minute jog this morning.
It was freezing cold (-3°c), and i had some difficulty breathing, a bit of pain in the rib area, but i was happy to be back in my running shoes at last !! Now begin 4 months training for the Barcelona Half Challenge May 29 !
La semaine dernière je suis allé au travail avec un toux, et je suis revenu avec la grippe !
Donc, 16 jours avec une douleur costale, 12 jours de toux, 8 jours de grippe plus tard, enfin je suis sorti faire un footing léger de 45 minutes ce matin.
Il faisait -3°c, et j'ai eu du mal à respirer, un peu de douleur aux cotes, mais j'étais heureux de retrouver mes Asics Gel, au début de 4 mois de préparation pour le Barcelona Half Challenge mai 29.
I hate being ill !! Je hais être malade !!
samedi 8 janvier 2011
2010 Tri year -what have i learned? Qu'est-ce que j'ai appris cette année de Tri?
1. Nothing is achieved in advance... Barcelona Olympic Oct 17. I thought, having done 2H26 the previous year, I'd have little problem going faster. No, no - why ? The number of swimmers in my start, the sea currents, drinking so much sea water all slowed me down !
Rien n'est gagné d'avance. À Barcelona cet octobre, je pensais que le fait d'avoir fait la course en 2h26, que j'irai forcement plus vite cette année. Mais je me suis bien trompé ! Je n'avais pas pensé du nombre au départ de la natation - beaucoup plus important , les courants de la mer - plus fort, m'obligeant de boire de l'eau de mer - troublant !! Donc je n'étais pas plus rapide !
2. Take noting for granted... every race is different ! I know this - i've run enough marathons and the like to know ! Triathlon is NO different, and the transitions just make it more complicated ! The distance is not the question, it's the approach and mental (as well as physical) preparation which counts.
Pareil ! chaque course est différente. J'ai couru assez de marathons de le savoir. Les transitions rendent le triathlon encore plus compliqué ! Le distance n'est pas le problème au triathlon, ce qui compte le plus est l'approche mentale, autant que la préparation physique.
3. I need more all round preparation - including rest and stretching. I'm doing more stretching, and would like to take up yoga i think - but there are only so many hours in the day !
J'ai besoin d'une préparation plus complète - y compris le repos et les étirements. Je m'étire plus maintenant, et je pense à faire du yoga - mais il n'y a que 24 heures par jour !!
4. I have finally fitted aero bars to the bike (Vision Pro Carbon) ! Riding is surprisingly very comfortable - i had not imagined ! I'm sure this will help go further quicker, and help rest as I ride ! Should have done this earlier !
J'ai finalement installé un guidon tri au vélo (Vision Pro Carbon) - j'ai essayé cette semaine et c'est vraiment confortable - je n'aurais pas imagine à quel point ! Ca va m'aider aller plus loin plus vite, et m'aider à me reposer sur le vélo. J'aurais du le faire avant !
the aero bars on my winter/home trainer bike. To tri readers - do they look ok in terms of position?
les bars tri sur mon vélo d'hiver/home trainer. À mes lecteurs tri - ils ont l'air d'être bien installé niveau position?
Rien n'est gagné d'avance. À Barcelona cet octobre, je pensais que le fait d'avoir fait la course en 2h26, que j'irai forcement plus vite cette année. Mais je me suis bien trompé ! Je n'avais pas pensé du nombre au départ de la natation - beaucoup plus important , les courants de la mer - plus fort, m'obligeant de boire de l'eau de mer - troublant !! Donc je n'étais pas plus rapide !
2. Take noting for granted... every race is different ! I know this - i've run enough marathons and the like to know ! Triathlon is NO different, and the transitions just make it more complicated ! The distance is not the question, it's the approach and mental (as well as physical) preparation which counts.
Pareil ! chaque course est différente. J'ai couru assez de marathons de le savoir. Les transitions rendent le triathlon encore plus compliqué ! Le distance n'est pas le problème au triathlon, ce qui compte le plus est l'approche mentale, autant que la préparation physique.
3. I need more all round preparation - including rest and stretching. I'm doing more stretching, and would like to take up yoga i think - but there are only so many hours in the day !
J'ai besoin d'une préparation plus complète - y compris le repos et les étirements. Je m'étire plus maintenant, et je pense à faire du yoga - mais il n'y a que 24 heures par jour !!
4. I have finally fitted aero bars to the bike (Vision Pro Carbon) ! Riding is surprisingly very comfortable - i had not imagined ! I'm sure this will help go further quicker, and help rest as I ride ! Should have done this earlier !
J'ai finalement installé un guidon tri au vélo (Vision Pro Carbon) - j'ai essayé cette semaine et c'est vraiment confortable - je n'aurais pas imagine à quel point ! Ca va m'aider aller plus loin plus vite, et m'aider à me reposer sur le vélo. J'aurais du le faire avant !
the aero bars on my winter/home trainer bike. To tri readers - do they look ok in terms of position?
les bars tri sur mon vélo d'hiver/home trainer. À mes lecteurs tri - ils ont l'air d'être bien installé niveau position?
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