samedi 24 juillet 2010


I just registered for the Barcelona Triathlon for October !! Oléééé
Je viens de m'inscrire para el triatlo de eBarcelona !! Molt Béééé

I LOVED this last year - the swim in the sea, through the high, strong waves !!!
J'ai ADORÉ ce tri l'année dernière - la natation dans les vagues hautes et fortes !!
the promo film from the site

And for the pleasure, here's a great Barcelona ad... une pub très drole !

5 commentaires:

  1. Hi martin,
    there isn't a triathlon in Rome and surrondings in August. The last one has been held the 18 of July 2010 around a lake near Rome:

    I'm going to Paris next week but I won't run a race There. I'm going with my family and ... we are taking our running shoes :)
    Have a beautiful summer!

  2. This is awesome news Martin! I am very excited for you:)

  3. I'm delighted to hear about your registration for the next Barcelona triathlon!

  4. Late congrats on your great tri in Paris, a very good job. Barcelona is beautiful, I will be there with my wife in early august. Of course the running shoes will be in my bag.

  5. Barcelona tri - FUN! That Norseman link you sent me looks awesome!
