vendredi 29 mars 2013

Typical me.... ! Ca c'est bien moi !

No sooner have i drawn up a plan, i go and change it !

Dès que le plan est établi, je dois le changer.

My planned Sprint triathlon end of March - cancelled : it was too cold, i haven't trained for running fast, iron levels still not high enough. Yes, this winter is not going to go away soon - it is still near freezing temps with a bitingly cold wind; my running has been more about getting in the kms at whatever pace, with one or two faster sessions - but nothing i could call sprinting... ; i am feeling better with the iron treatment, but not back to normal yet - from time to time i am too easily out of breath.
Le triathlon sprint prévu fin mars - annulé : non seulement a-t-il fait trop froid, mais je ne le suis pas entrainé pour un tel événement, et de plus, mon niveau de fer reste faible. L'hiver a bien du mal à nous quitter, et les températures restent près du 0°c accompagné d'un vent glacial. Je cours bien, et je compte des kms, mais sans vitesse. Je me sens mieux, c'est sûr, mais de temps en temps je me trouve vite essoufflé. 

And i have registered for the Barcelona Half Challenge, again, for the 4th time  :) I couldn't resist the change in the bike course, and the thought of running alongside (well, ok, behind) Macca and Javier Gomez, to name but two of the favourite triathletes  :)

Mais, je me suis inscrit, pour la 4ème fois, au HalfChallenge Barcelona : impossible de résister à l'opportunité de courir avec, ou bien derrière, les athlètes comme Macca et Javier Gomez...

Other than that - the training is coming along nicely - some very good sessions in March which i'll be building on in April with more brick and back-to-back sessions...can't wait - and if the sun actually starts putting in an appearance, all the better.

Sinon, l'entrainement progresse bien - beaucoup de petites sessions de qualité, et je vais commencer à ajouter des sessions double (bike-run etc) pendant le mois d'avril. Et si le soleil me rejoint, tant mieux :))

1 commentaire:

  1. Sorry for the cancelled race but I think you did the right thing. Next time come here to race, it's sunny and warm.
    Good luck in Barcelona, it is a very very beautiful city.
