dimanche 19 décembre 2010

snow training - don't you just love it? l'entrainement dans la neige - geniale !

inspired by oldrunningfox and Giorgio amongst others- i went for a snowy run with my camera and took a few shots. I run in a Wood which is exactly 6 minutes away at a moderate warm up pace.... !
inspiré par Running Fox, et Giorgio, entre autres je suis allé courir sous la neige, avec mon appareil et pris quelques instantanées . Je cours souvent dans un Bois qui se trouve à 6 minutes de chez moi, à petite vitesse !

 very cold, and very slippy, but i'm happy !!!
très froid, très glissant, mais je suis heureux !

there are several circuits, the one marked out is 1500m with exercises indicated every 50-100m; lots of ups and downs and other routes with steep climbs. Great variety for training!
plusieurs circuits existent, le principal est de 1500m avec des exercices à faire tous les 50-100m; il y a beaucoup de variétés, avec des montées assez raide, ce qui est idéale pour s'entrainer !

works of art - changes at least once a week.
des oeuvres d'art - le graffiti change au moins une fois par semaine.


4 commentaires:

  1. Hi Martin,
    Oh the snow there looks so beautiful! I love how it clings to the trees:) Good for you getting out there and running in the snow. I don't mind it as long as it is not too cold and slippery. There is something so peaceful about running in the snow:) Beautiful pictures.

    Take care of yourself! It was good to see a post from you:)

  2. Great pics, I'm sure the snow and cold would get old quickly but one or two runs would be beautiful.

  3. Very good photos mate. I have run in snow before, but nothing like that. Looks beautiful, but I like the sun and warmth a bit too much really.

  4. Beautiful report of your training through the wood covered with snow, Martin! Thanks for the mention :)
    Happy Christmas holiday from Italy!
